
Step 1

Sign up

Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to tell us why are you interested in supporting education nonprofits and your area(s) of expertise.

Step 1

Sign up

Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to tell us why are you interested in supporting education nonprofits and your area(s) of expertise.

Step 2

Meet with our team

We will schedule a virtual meeting to meet you and share more about our program.

Step 2

Meet with our team

We will schedule a virtual meeting to meet you and share more about our program.

Step 3

Let EdAccess match you

As we get requests from nonprofit clients, we will keep your file on our system and make recommendations.

Step 3

Let EdAccess match you

As we get requests from nonprofit clients, we will keep your file on our system and make recommendations.

Step 4

Meet your client match!

Once a nonprofit client selects to meet with you, we will make an email introduction. Then you and your client will schedule a time to meet virtually!

Step 4

Meet your client match!

Once a nonprofit client selects to meet with you, we will make an email introduction. Then you and your client will schedule a time to meet virtually!

Tell Us Why You Are Interested



Where education nonprofits come to thrive

© 2023 Copyright. EdAccess. All Rights Reserved.


Where education nonprofits come to thrive

© 2023 Copyright. EdAccess. All Rights Reserved.


Where education nonprofits come to thrive

© 2023 Copyright. EdAccess. All Rights Reserved.